Tahoe Production House completed its second production for the Competitor Spotlight video series on “Tahoe Show TV.” The web video series airs on Tahoeshow.com and on Tahoe Show TV’s YouTube channel.
Tahoe Show TV will be airing the Competitor Spotlight series leading up to the Tahoe Show Bodybuilding, Bikini, Figure, Fitness, and Physique Championship at Montbleu Resort and Casino on August 25 2012.
This video series seeks to introduce you to the athletes of Tahoe Show and offers insights into the motivations and training plans of top body building and figure competitors that you can apply to your training programs. Each video features past and future or new Tahoe Show competitors.
The second video Tahoe Production House shot for the Competitor Spotlight series features bodybuilder Josh Hughes of Marysville. The Tahoe Show will be Hughe’s first body building competition. A big reason Hughes decided to enter the Tahoe Show this year is that a handful of guys from his Marysville gym competed in the 2011 Tahoe Show at Montbleu. In this piece, Hughes talks about the people and trainers he’s working with to get his training and diet dialed for a first-time competition.
In 2012, the Tahoe Show will be introducing an innovative new feature to the show. Their will be a People’s Choice award where the audience and web viewers will be able to text their vote for best athlete. This will be the first time a live web-stream with a text message “People’s Choices Award” has been included at a bodybuilding completion
Stay tuned for more Competitor Spotlights on Tahoe Show TV.