Why should your business produce online video content? Here’s an impressive list of statistics about online video by tmgcustommedia.com:
- Watching a minute of video is the equivalent of reading 1.8 million words according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research
- According to a comScore study, released in February 2011, 82.5% of the U.S. Internet audience viewed a video online.
- Viewers watched 75% more videos online in December 2010 than December 2008.
- In a 2010 report from Cisco, 30% of Internet traffic is currently video. By 2013, 90% of Internet traffic will be video.
- YouTube holds about 40% of the online video audience each month.
- According to Internet Retailer, an April 2010 report stated that consumers who watch product videos are 85% more likely to buy products compared to those who do not watch.
- 55% of online retailers used video on product pages in 2009 but this technique increased to 73% of retailers in 2010.
- By 2014, 3D and HD Internet video will include 46% of Internet video traffic.
- In the same time frame, online video ad spending will swell from $1.97 billion to $5.71 billion.
- The length of the average video was 5.1 minutes in February 2011.
- The average online video ad was 24 seconds.
- Video ads accounted for 12.4% of all videos viewed and 1.2% of all minutes spent watching video online.
- Top video ad networks potentially reach the following proportions of the total U.S. population: Google Display Network at 46.7%, Tremor Media at 46.3% and BrightRoll Video Network at 37.3%.
- In February 2011 there were 3.8 million video ads, which averages about 30.2 ads per viewer and reached 42% of the total U.S. population.
- U.S. online video consumers watched 4.3 hours worth of video on average in the month of June 2010.
Are you convinced yet? Video is an integral part of a person’s online experience. Consumers have come to expect video components on a company’s website.
Have you noticed that videos are increasingly showing up in your Google searches and sit high in your Facebook news stream? Videos are considered and ranked in Google, Yahoo & Bing searches. Video content drives the highest engagement rates on social sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Remember the statistic above that “ a minute of video is the equivalent of reading 1.8 million words”? Videos are the perfect remedy to the increasing short-term attention spans of our modern day lives. Video can deeply engage, amuse and entertain your customers while simultaneously sharing your product story or brand promise in a format that’s more easily ingested than a copy heavy homepage on your website.
The point of all this is to state that video is increasingly dominating the online world and, more importantly, video is the most powerful storytelling vehicle for any company or product wanting to grow their online marketing presence.