Hi Everybody,
Well this is my 12th Blog for TPH. That means it has been 1 year since I have writing Blogs here, wow, time goes by fast. This sound Blog is about education in sound. I cannot tell you how important this subject truly is. Without the knowledge base in any field, your just shooting in the dark. In sound, that can very dangerous. Equipment can be damaged, hearing damage or loss, electrical shock, which can lead to loss of life. I have seen it happen many times and it’s very sad. Not to bring the Blog to a down point, just stating the importance of the subject here, which is sound education.
As I was building my audio knowledge starting in the early 70’s, it was tough to find classes on Sound, without it being like going to a science lab. Live classes were almost nonexistent. Recording classes and Telecommunications is where most sound classes would be offered. Even some of those were somewhat not specific enough except for the recording classes. They got down business more, equipment and techniques. This was great, but “Live sound” classes were very hard to find. The technology and knowledge was not there like it is today. “Like it is today” are key words here. The more advanced technology was in the recording studios. Then sound technology grew out of studios and has spread to live sound in a big way. I also learned a lot from other engineers in the business, both live and studio. I am still learning to this day and I love it. I read, watch videos, and talk with others. Experience will also be a big player in growing your knowledge base. There is nothing like having someone show you, right there, do’s and don’ts and watch out’s for this or that. Always remember, no one person knows all there is about sound.
Sound is an endless study if you open your mind and have the desire to peruse it. It is a lot of fun and an expression of your artistic insight. Doing sound for a band, show, or event, is like dancing with the stars. You’re the other partner.
Take Care of your Ears
Wayne Carlson, Real Audio Workshops