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Angora Fire Anniversary Video Production for Lake Tahoe News

By June 27, 2017Video

Tahoe Production House recently attended the June 24 fire forum for the 10-year Angora Fire anniversary at Valhalla for Lake Tahoe News.  Take a look at the news story from Lake Tahoe News here.  It was a great review of what happened, and what agencies are doing now to prevent something like this from happening in the future!

Speakers include:
Austin Sass, Mayor, City of South Lake Tahoe

Tim Alameda, Chief, Lake Valley Fire Protection District

Sue Novasel, El Dorado County Supervisor

Eli Ilano, Forest Supervisor, Tahoe National Forest

Chris Anthony, Division Chief, Cal Fire

Kacey KC, Acting State Forester-Firewarden, Nevada Division of Forestry

Panel Discussions:
Leona Allen, homeowner, member of Lake Valley Fire Board of Directors

Kate Dargan, California Co-Chair on the California-Nevada Tahoe Basin Fire Commission
Jim Lawrence, Deputy Director, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Forest Schafer, Chair, Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team

Elwood Miller, Coordinator, Nevada Network of Fire Adapted Communities