Tahoe Production House just finished producing a 3 video series of Social Media Ads for the Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe. We wanted to create a series of videos that were super catchy for social media and advertised the 30th Anniversary Socks that you can get with your Team Awesome annual campaign donation.

First, we got to hang out with the great staff at the Boys and Girls Club, who helped us make 5 unique puppets for our filming needs!

We shot the puppets on the green screen at the Tahoe Production House studio — here are a few behind the scenes shots!
We had such a great time making these spots, take a look at the finished spots below!
Every organization has a mission statement. We decided to go a step further and create a set of values and principles that the Staff and Members adhere to in everything we do at the Club.
Are you AWESOME too?
You already know that the Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe is AWESOME. But, did you know that the word AWESOME has special meaning to us?
AWESOME stands for:
Accountable for my actions
Welcoming to all
Everyone is valued
Safe and supportive
Open and honest
Make smart choices
Excited for fun
Every organization has a mission statement. We decided to go a step further and create a set of values and principles that the staff and members adhere to in everything we do at the Club.
In addition to sending a clear message of what the Club stands for and what we hope from our members, AWESOME is empowering. It’s a daily affirmation of who our members are and how awesome they are.
Ensure a solid future for
Tahoe’s kids!
At the beginning of 2020 we launched a new fundraising initiative called Team AWESOME. AWESOME stands for the values and principles that shape everything we do at the Club and we wanted to bring our donors and supporters closer to our mission and our kids.
Since then, things have changed significantly in the world and here at Lake Tahoe. Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe is now more crucial than ever, providing ALL children in the community with hot meals, virtual programs and emotional support during the coronavirus pandemic.
For over 18 months; the Club has used Team AWESOME donations for the following services: free food distribution, scholarships and to ensure that the Club can provide full day support to members and families during this crisis. Thank you for your help in making sure we can keep our doors open and our members safe.
As you know, there’s no I in team. We invite you to join Team AWESOME, so together we can ensure that our kids can continue to be AWESOME once the crisis is over.
To Donate please visit the TEAM AWESOME Page and DONATE TODAY!